Dr. Mostafa Naraghi's charity

Sewing Workshops

تجهیز کارگاه خیاطی به همت خیریه دکتر نراقی و سرکار خانم نهاله نراقی High School of Art and Design By Dr Naraghi's Charity

Equipping sewing workshops

with the efforts of Dr. Naraqi’s Charity Foundation

Regarding the high importance of clothing in the society and considering the financial condition of the people living in the area, Dr. Naraghi Foundation with the efforts of the respected family of Dr. Naraghi (including Mrs. Nahaleh Naraghi).  started a tailoring course to teach production, income generation and finally self-sufficiency of students.

تجهیز کارگاه خیاطی به همت خیریه دکتر نراقی و سرکار خانم نهاله نراقی nahale naraqi - naraghi charity


This training center is equipped with two sewing workshops with the capacity to train 70 students, seven industrial sewing machines, 18 simple sewing machines and four serger sewing machines.


تجهیز کارگاه خیاطی توسط خیریه دکتر نراقی و سرکار خانم نهاله نراقی Nahaleh naraghi